

Planning your career path

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SarawakYES! recently attended the Sarawak Career and Training (SCaT) Fair 2015 where we chatted with young people about exploring career opportunities. Abdul Fattah Firdaus Morshidi was among those at the fair.

Q: What is your ambition? What career are you interested in?

A: I would like to be a hedge fund manager. It’s related to the finance world and I foresee myself really liking doing it.

Q: Why do you want to be a hedge fund manager?

A: I’ve chosen this path because I believe only that career will bring me the life that I’ve always wanted. I also believe that by choosing that career, it can not only change my family but also my community.

Q: How did you decide what career to pursue?

A: There’s a saying it takes 20 interests to find one passion so I’ve had to research and keep doing research into every single thing that I’ve liked, and I’ve come to this.

Q: What is the biggest challenge in pursuing your chosen career?

A: One of my biggest challenges would be answering the question: “Do I really want to do it in the future for the rest of my life? Am I going to stick with it forever?”

Q: Why did you visit SCaTFair today?

A: A lot of reasons. One of it is because Sunway College,PTPTN, MARA, JPA and major universities.

Q: Do you feel that SCaTFair can help you achieve your ambition?

A: Yes. Today I’ve learnt a lot of things – as to what I need to do to get sorted, so it is really helpful.


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