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SarawakYES! recently attended the Sarawak Career and Training (SCaT) Fair 2015 where we chatted with young people about exploring career opportunities. Khairil Anuas spoke to SarawakYES! about his ambitions:

Q: What is your ambition? What career are you interested in?

A: My ambition is to become a builder.

Q: Why do you want to be a builder?

A: I enjoy this field because of the challenges that it brings such as bidding for contracts through the tendering system.

Q: How did you decide what career to pursue?

A: I sought advice from my parents, lecturer, and friends. I also acquired further information on my own by doing research.

Q: What is the biggest challenge in pursuing your chosen career?

A: I think competition is one of the biggest challenges.

Q: Why did you visit SCaTFair today?

A: I am here to look for more career options.

Q: Do you feel that SCaTFair can help you achieve your ambition?

A: Yes.


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