

Exploring new career opportunities

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SarawakYES! recently attended the Sarawak Career and Training (SCaT) Fair 2015 where we chatted with young people about exploring career opportunities. Audi Odilia Rambli was among those at the fair.

Q: What is your ambition? What career are you interested in? 

A: Actually I’m more into business and I’d like to start my own event management business and probably, in the future, start a café.

Q: Why do you want to start your own business?

A: Because I love working on my own and I want to be my own boss, rather than working for someone.

Q: How did you decide what career to pursue?

A: It’s actually based on what I like. I like food and I also like running events, so that’s why I like doing this.

Q: What is the biggest challenge in pursuing your chosen career?

A: Basically it’s all about starting off with money. I don’t think I want to start applying for loans, so that’s why I think it’s better for me to start off with a job and after a few years of working I hope to start my business.

Q: Why did you visit SCaT Fair?

A: Just try my luck in landing a job.

Q: Do you feel that SCaT Fair can help you achieve your ambition?

A: Not really sure because there’s a lot of competition but we’ll see how it goes.

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