

Work-life balance tips for young adults

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As a young working adult, have you ever questioned your abilities at work?

No matter how hard you work, you may sometimes feel you can never keep up thus making you feel exhausted, irritated, ineffective and unaccomplished.

Maintaining a work-life balance is never easy, especially for young adults, as the new experience of working can be overwhelming at times.

To help you achieve a better balance in work and life, here are some tips that you might find helpful:

Identify your priorities

To do this, identify what is most important in your life and set what your priorities are on a personal level and also what you want to achieve professionally.

This exercise will not only help you list down your priorities, but more importantly it will then pave the way towards planning how to achieve your aspirations for your career and your personal goals.

On a day-to-day basis, for a better work-life balance, setting priorities is also important especially at work, as it will help you become more effective and efficient at work, and in turn reduce your stress levels.

Be disciplined about work hours

Sometimes, you may be required to work overtime but during those times when you’re not, do be disciplined about how much time you put into your work.

In terms of improving your work-life balance, try not to burn yourself out by being the last one to leave the office every day.

No doubt, you may impress some of your superiors with your extra efforts but if it starts to take a toll especially on your health, all those hours may not end up being productive.

Have some “me” time

When you’re busy, finding time for yourself is challenging.

But, do remember that taking some time off is important to recharge and unwind.

A little time off for yourself can be during your lunch break, a short walk in a park or somewhere peaceful, or a weekend off by yourself at the beach.

Taking breaks once in a while will definitely help you become more focused and productive at work.

“Re-set” your mind

If you sometimes feel anxious and experience self-doubt, it is actually quite normal, especially when you’re consumed by your work.

When you do start to feel like this, try to focus on your mental health, particularly by exercising and meditating.

It also helps if you surround yourself with positive people such as supportive family members and friends who can lift up your mood.

This is a weekly column by SarawakYES! – an initiative driven by Faradale Media-M Sdn Bhd and supported by Angkatan Zaman Mansang (AZAM) Sarawak – to provide advice and stories on the topics of education and careers to support Sarawakians seeking to achieve their dreams. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels.

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