

Be on track for 2016!

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The year 2015 is now in the past and it’s time for you to look forward. However, do not think it’s a cliche to have a New Year’s resolution. Be bold, especially in your career, and get ready to challenge yourself more.

Set goals

Set high goals for yourself. You know your limits but why not put in a little bit more for 2016. Let this be the year for you to achieve new heights, both personally and professionally.

Look to improve yourself career-wise

Look at the possibility of picking up a new skill or two this year. It’s always good to update yourself and get new skills especially in your career. No matter what the skills, there are always things to do to improve. Maybe this year you could add another language to your skillset. So take up a language class. There are plenty of online courses available as well.

Try something new

This goes without saying – we should always look to do new things, be it at work or in our personal lives. Maybe talk to your manager or supervisor to take on a new project or another role.

Read more

If one of your 2016 New Year’s resolutions is to be healthy and fit, that means you have to be more active and exercise more. The brain is no different. You might as well include a mental fitness regime to that physical one. It is important to keep the mind sharp by doing more mentally stimulating exercises, a few things that you can do is to read more. Maybe set a goal of one book a month, or if you can’t find the time for heavy reading, maybe commit to one chapter a week.

Be inspired

For some, 2015 may have been a tough year. As for 2016, it might be the same but don’t let that stop you from being inspired and to strive to do good things. Volunteering is always a great option. If you can’t find opportunities to do volunteering work, that shouldn’t stop you from doing things on your own. You can also find inspiration in good role models around you.

Be financially conscious

Be more aware of your finances and start safeguarding yourself financially. And by all means, be mindful on your spending in 2016. You may have to cut back a bit, but consider this for your future especially if you’re just about to start your career or considering a career move. The simplest thing for you to do is to save. Aside from saving, look into other avenues to invest. Find out more about the situation of the economy and how it will impact you.

Let 2016 be a great year for you and let it be a healthy, wealthy and a happy year.

This is a weekly column by SarawakYES! – an initiative driven by Faradale Media-M Sdn Bhd and supported by Angkatan Zaman Mansang (AZAM) Sarawak – to provide advice and stories on the topics of education and careers to support Sarawakians seeking to achieve their dreams. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

(This article first appeared on Borneo Post, here’s the link:

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