

Careers in the Civil Service

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Civil service employees work under federal, state and local governments, providing various types of services to the nation’s citizens.

These services may go unnoticed by many, but are integral to the daily operations of the country.

Civil service work environments are often believed to be secure and therefore highly sought after by many. Health benefits and retirement funds are also very attractive to those who intend to work long-term.

Salaries in the public sector are as competitive as those in the private sector. With the added benefits, public sector salaries could come out ahead.

There are many departments in the civil service, such as health, agriculture, education and more. You could work as a teacher, consultant, engineer or even web developer.

Jobs that aren’t necessarily thought of as being in the public sector such as accounting, human resources and public relations are all departments that are necessary in both private and public sectors.

Almost every job imaginable is performed by the civil service, with jobs being as varied as in the private sector. The government provides a vast amount of services, giving you a wide range of jobs to choose from.

Applying for a government job can be challenging, given how competitive the job market can be in the public sector.

Still, whatever your interest, career goals and skill sets are, and whether you want to specialise in or to pursue a new career choice, there’s always a path available in the civil service.

Sarawak’s civil service is always finding new ways to better serve the public and work more efficiently, which is why they’re always hiring.

Finding a job in Sarawak’s civil service can be done through the e-Recruitment portal. After signing up for an account, you can immediately view vacancies and submit applications at any time.

Progressing in your career as a civil servant is generally straightforward, as the government has introduced the development of career path specialists to all federal public service agencies, state public services, statutory authorities and local authorities.

Following the aspiration to provide great leadership in the civil service, the government has also introduced fast track career progress for high performing officials in leadership positions at the national level.

The work of civil servants is crucial, as the scale, complexity and impact is unrivalled. Joining the civil service will provide you with the opportunity to improve the world we live in by way of serving the needs of the people.

Photo by Negative Space from Pexels.

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