

Choosing a career as a researcher

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The state government established the Sarawak Biodiversity Centre (SBC) in 1997 as a research centre focused on developing the potential of plants and microorganisms to create products that will be useful for society.

Driven by her passion in science and research, Barbara Nyikoh chose a career as a research officer at SBC, thus fulfilling her dream.

When interviewed by SarawakYES!, Barbara explained that in her line of work she is free to propose research topics that she wants to carry out although she would also make sure that each research idea is in line with the organisation’s vision and mission.

She explained that as a research officer at SBC, she has to possess a solid background in microbiology and chemistry.

“I need to be prepared to learn new things every day because the experiments that we do require a deep understanding of science. Sometimes, research work can be very challenging. However, I’m glad to be able to apply what I have learned towards the research that I’m doing.”

Her daily responsibilities include planning, research work, analysing results, and recording the data and findings from her experiments.

Nothing brings more joy to Barbara than getting research results that she has been looking for, or the success of a completed project.

“Although not all of our research will have the desired results, the information that we obtain will be useful for the next research (project).”

A career as a researcher brings many benefits to the world of science, and even more so to the community and society at large.

“The drive to help the community, for example through research on anti-cancer medications, is the inspiration for me to continue on in this career,” she said.

Barbara pointed out that a career as a research officer is suitable for those with a deep interest in science and research.

“A researcher must always be ready to learn because you will find something new every day.”

* You can catch the video interview with Barbara on the SarawakYES! YouTube channel or on our Facebook page.

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This article first appeared on The Borneo Post, visit this link:

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