

How to commit to your New Year’s resolutions

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With the start of the new year, some of you may have picked your resolutions.

You also may have heard time and time again that many people are unable to achieve what they set out to do because they find it difficult to commit to them.

The challenge is understandable, considering that the journey towards achieving your resolutions takes great persistence and determination, be it physically, mentally or emotionally.

Thus, your first step in keeping your New Year’s resolutions is to list down a few that are realistic, specific and beneficial in the long run.

Here are some more ways to make sure that you can turn your resolutions into reality:

Focus on only one

There’s no harm in making a few resolutions, but it would be easier and less intimidating if you could work on just one that truly matters to you.

That way, you are more likely to achieve your resolution because you are giving time and effort solely on it instead of exhausting yourself with several different goals.

Ask yourself why

“Why do I want to achieve this resolution?” should be part of your thinking process as you make your resolution.

The better you identify and comprehend the reasons behind your resolutions, the greater your conviction in bringing them to fruition.

These reasons can also serve as a reminder to keep your resolutions; to remind yourself regularly you can write these reasons down on a piece of paper and place it where it’s visible to you.

Keep track of your progress

To see how much you’ve done in achieving your goals, review your progress from time to time, whether weekly, monthly or quarterly. This is to ensure that you’re sustaining your commitment towards your resolutions.

You can track your progress by keeping a journal or getting your family members and friends to help support your endeavour.

If any of your family members or friends happen to share similar resolutions, be part of their moral support group and help each other be accountable.

Change your habits and behaviour

Committing to your resolution involves tweaking your routine, which means replacing habits and behaviour that hinder your efforts with those that drive your pursuit.

It won’t be easy, but with perseverance, these changes will not only fulfil your resolutions, but also enhance your lifestyle and mindset.

Have faith in yourself

Most importantly, always believe in yourself whenever you are working on your resolutions, especially when the going gets tough.

Change doesn’t happen overnight, so pursue them step by step. And if you experience a setback, be kind to yourself and learn from your mistakes so that you won’t repeat them.

So, keep working on your goals and you can be among those that can proudly say you’ve achieved your New Year’s resolutions.

This is a weekly column by SarawakYES! – an initiative driven by Faradale Media-M Sdn Bhd and supported by Angkatan Zaman Mansang (AZAM) Sarawak – to provide advice and stories on the topics of education and careers to support Sarawakians seeking to achieve their dreams. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

This article first appeared on The Borneo Post, published in the print version on Saturday, January 5, 2019.

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