

How to overcome work struggles

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Work can be tough at times and that’s understandable.

It could be an overwhelming number of tasks, unnecessary distractions at the workplace, or an unresolved conflict with a colleague, which could make you feel demotivated at work.

However, if you’ve been struggling to keep up with your work for quite a while, it’s time you should acknowledge the struggle and do some personal reflection to find out why.

This is because it can affect your career and life overall negatively, especially in your relationship with others and yourself, if it isn’t addressed quickly.

Whatever your struggle is, tackle it head-on and know that it won’t last forever. Here are a few ways to overcome your work struggles.

See your struggle as an opportunity

A good first step is to change your perception on your work struggle.

Instead of accepting it as a setback or a sign of weakness, view your struggle as a professional and personal growth opportunity.

By perceiving the issue in a more positive light, you’ll be more confident and possess the right mindset to face challenges and take risks in the future.

Change your work routine

Your work struggle could stem from the way you’ve been working.

If you’re having difficulty with meeting deadlines, it would be a good idea to start planning more often by prioritising tasks that need to be completed immediately.

When you find yourself often distracted by your Internet activity, you should consider cutting down in order to focus better on your work.

If a new task requires knowledge or skills you don’t have, work towards acquiring them by asking a more experienced colleague, searching for solutions online or, when you have the time, taking up courses relevant to your job.

Recharge through self-care

Sometimes you may have been struggling at work because you haven’t given yourself some tender loving care. So make the time to take good care of your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

For example, take a break from work and go on a holiday or stay at home doing leisurely activities.

You might also want to make changes to your daily routine by incorporating healthy eating, regular exercise, and quality sleep.

Most helpful is to spend time with your loved ones, especially those who are more than willing to listen to you talking about your struggle.

Talk to your boss

It might be daunting, but approaching and having an open and honest conversation with your boss can at least ease your work struggle.

Discussing your problems with your boss not only enables you to express your frustrations, but also provides the first step for you and your boss to determine ways to improve your job performance.

This is a weekly column by SarawakYES! – an initiative driven by Faradale Media-M Sdn Bhd and supported by Angkatan Zaman Mansang (AZAM) Sarawak – to provide advice and stories on the topics of education and careers to support Sarawakians seeking to achieve their dreams. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

First published in the Borneo Post online on 22nd February 2020:

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash.

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